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The Research of Web Functional Automated Testing Based on UML Activity Diagram

导  师: 陈火炎

学科专业: H1202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 近几年来,伴随着INTERNET的发展,WEB应用急剧增加,且变得日益复杂,极大地影响了人们生活的各个方面。商业的WEB应用正逐渐成为企业的核心应用,因而WEB应用的质量和可靠性也渐渐地为人们所关注。然而,WEB应用的测试技术仍然是一个尚待开发的处女地。由于WEB应用开发技术的多样性和灵活性、WEB应用的开发周期短促,以及WEB应用常常通过网络构成分布的环境、特别是WEB应用缺乏传统应用的模型视图,使得传统的测试技术与理论无法充分地、直接地应对WEB应用测试所面临的挑战。本文的研究目的在于建立一个用于描述WEB应用功能测试场景的模型,并在此模型的基础上将WEB应用的功能测试场景转化为可运行的测试代码,以此来提高WEB应用功能测试的自动化程度,便于测试人员判定WEB应用的功能实现是否符合用户的需求。本文通过扩展UML活动图来为WEB应用功能测试的场景建模。针对WEB应用功能的交互特点,围绕WEB应用的交互元素,利用UML提供的扩展机制对WEB应用的功能测试场景建模。通过这个模型,开发人员或者测试人员能够清晰地表达WEB应用功能测试所经历的场景。 As the Web Applications /(WAs/) increase immensely and WAs' getting more and more complex in recent years along with internet, it has changed people' s life style dramatically. By and large, WAs are increasingly crucial to enterprise' s business. As a result, there is a growing concern about WAs' quality and reliability. However, WA testing is still an unexplored area. The various and diverse Web development technologies, the short WA life cycle, the common construction style of WA, especially the lack of WA testing model which usually can be founded in traditional applications make the theories and technologies of traditional applications testing extremely difficult to deal with the challenge of WA testing.This dissertation aims at establishing a model for describing WA functional testing scenario, and then it will be transformed into excitable testing code. Therefore, it can increase the level of WA automated testing, and tester can determine whether the implemented WA meets users' requirements.We extend the UML activity diagram to model the WA functional testing scenario. We models WAs' interactive elements, which is one of the typical features of WA, by using the extensibility mechanism of UML. Developers or testers can vividly express the testing scenario with the model, which WA testing would go through it, then we analysis the model and input test cases simultaneously in order to pick-up each independently testing sequence scenario according to XMI standard representation of the UML activity diagram. Finally, we transform the XMI files of testing model into testing codes based on HttpUnit, which is an open source tools for automated testing. As a result, testers can run these testing codes to complete the WA functional testing. We propose a technical prototype architecture for implement this notion, called WAFATT/(Web Applications Functional Automated Testing Tool/), and give an example that goes throughout the testing architecture.

关 键 词: 应用 功能测试 场景建模 活动图

分 类 号: [TP311.52 TP393.06]

领  域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]


作者 温宁
作者 刘永红
作者 李甫民
作者 余瑶
作者 程尧


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学地理科学学院


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作者 邵慧君
作者 杜松华
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