导 师: 冯国强
学科专业: L0202
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东工业大学
摘 要: 该文就是在cims环境下,利用现代检测技术、网络技术和数据库技术对其进行了深入的研究, 主要内容如下:1、通过剖析目前计量检测和信息管理系统的现状和不足,阐述了在cims 环境下进行了计量检测与信息管理集成系统研究的必要性和现实意义.2、研究综述系统开发所必需的计量检测技术、cims相关理论、网络技术和数据库技术等关键理论和技术.3、研究了集成系统的总体结构,提出了较科学合理的基于网络的browser/server和client/server相结合的系统运行模式,结合大多数企业的实际情况对系统网络体系结构进行了详细的规划和设计,并对系统的软件、硬件环境作了合理的选择.4、 对系统进行了详细的分析和数据库设计,并利用先进的数据库前台开发工具powerbuilder5.0(企业版)在client/server模式下初步开发了计量检测与信息管理集成系统. CIMS has been used as advanced managing thoughts widely in many enterprises since 1990, Except for being a major part of CAQ, Measurement /& Information Management Integrated System is one main part of Total Quality Control and CIMS System. It plays an important role in the enterprise production. In this paper, Measurement /& Information Management integrated System is studied under the technologies of network and database. The main content of the paper is listed as follow: 1. After studying on the situation of the system, this paper provides you the requirement and significance of the study. 2. Theoiies needed in the study are put forward detailed, which include theoty of dM5, measuring technology, network technology, database technology and etc., 3. Study the general structure of integrated system. Put forth a reasonable running mode /(connection of B//S and C//S/). Design the network system structure for most enterprises, also choose the right environment for the system. 4. Analyze the system and design the database. Use Powerbuilder 5.0 to develop the Measurement /& Information Management Integrated System under the Client//Server mode.
分 类 号: [TP274 TP392]