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Temporal-spatial Characteristics of Runoff and Sediment in Coarse Sand Source Regions of the Loess Plateau

导  师: 穆兴民;张晓萍

学科专业: I0707

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所

摘  要: 本文以黄土高原粗泥沙集中来源区为对象,以流域为单元,采用野外调查与室内分析、定量与定性分析相结合的方法,系统研究了1960-1999 年间黄土高原粗泥沙集中来源区皇甫川、孤山川、窟野河、秃尾河和佳芦河5 条流域河川径流、输沙量的时空变化,取得如下主要结论: 分析了流域径流量和输沙量年际变化的基本特征。各流域年均径流量及变差系数,皇甫川为1.41×108 m3和0.65,孤山川为0.76×108 m3和0.63,窟野河为6.08×108 m3和0.40,秃尾河为3.51×108 m3和0.21,佳芦河为0.63×108 m3和0.56。各流域年均输沙量及变差系数,皇甫川为4525.98×104 t和0.82,孤山川为1967.31×104 t和0.63,窟野河为9750.14×104 t和0.81,秃尾河为2103.01×104 t和0.92,佳芦河为1344.98×104 t和0.67。根据径流量、输沙量的极值比和径流量、输沙量变差系数,得出粗泥沙集中来源区5 条流域的河川径流量、输沙量年际变化都比较大;5 条流域最小径流量出现的年份均为1999 年;皇甫川、孤山川和窟野河流域最小输沙量出现的年份均为1999年,秃尾河、佳芦河流域的输沙量最少年份分别为1969、1983 年;各流域最大径流量、输沙量出现年份均在1980 年以前。 采用距平累积法、mann-kendall 法及pettit 法系统分析了5 条流域径流量和输沙量年际变化过程及其趋势。指出:(1)与各流域多年平均值相比,5 条流域径流量都经历了明显的增加期、减少期和稳定期三个阶段;(2)5 条流域的年径流量、输沙量变化从上世纪70 年代末以来表现出明显的减少趋势,皇甫川、孤山川、窟野河、秃尾河和佳芦河流域径流量显现趋势性减少的突变年份分别为1976 年、1979 年、1979年、1979 年和1976 年。秃尾河和佳芦河流域输沙量发生趋势性减少的临界年份为1978年;皇甫川、孤山川、窟野河流域输沙量也表现出趋势� The temporal-spatial characteristics of the five catchments runoff and sediment of coarse sand source regions at Huangfuchuan /(HFC/), Gushanchuan /(GSC/), Kuyehe /(KYH/), Tuweihe /(TWH/) and Jialuhe /(JLH/) in the Loess Plateau were studied through the field investigation and the laboratory analysis using the data from the year of 1960 to 1999. The main results are as follows: The basic characteristics of runoff and sediment were analysesed from the year of 1960 to 1999. The results showed the means value of runoff and variation coefficient of HFC, GSC, KYH, TWH, and JLH are 1.41×108 m3 and 0.65, 0.76×108 m3 and 0.63, 6.08×108 m3 and 0.40, 3.51×108 m3 and 0.21, 0.63×108 m3and 0.56, respectively. The means value of sediment and variation coefficient of the above regions are 4 525.98×104 t and 0.82, 1 967.3×104 t and 0.63, 9 750.14×104 t and 0.81, 2 103.01×104 t and 0.92, 1 344.98×104 t and 0.67, respectively. The means value of runoff and sediment, stream flow and sediment of five catchments have a large variation during the studied period according to the ratio between the largest and smallest runoff and the ratio between the largest and smallest sediment among the studied years. The minimal values of the total runoff for the five catchments are all appeared in 1999 without exception. The minimal values of the sediment in HFC, GSC, and KYH are also appeared in 1999. The minimal values of the sediment in TWH and GLH are appeared in 1969 and 1983, respectively. The maximum values of runoff and sediment of five catchments are all displayed before 1980. Annual stream flow and sediment for five catchments was studied using the cumulative departure method, the Mann-Kendall method and Pettit method. The results showed that /(1/) Five catchments have all experienced the obvious increasing, reducing, and stabilization period compared with the means value of runoff. /(2/) An obvious decreasing trends of runoff and sediment were detected since 1970`s in the studied catchments. The change points of run

关 键 词: 径流量 输沙量 黄土高原 时空分布

领  域: [水利工程]


作者 何亚琼


机构 广州大学地理科学学院


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