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QoS Routing Protocol Design and Simulation for UWB Ad Hoc Networks

导  师: 王英龙

学科专业: 081203

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 山东轻工业学院

摘  要: 通信网络的发展经历了从简单到复杂,从有线到无线,从集中到分布的过程,移动自组网络(mobileadhocnetworks)代表了其中的高级形式。它是一种自组织的网络,不依赖于任何已有的网络基础设施。网络中的结点动态且任意分布,结点之间通过无线多跳方式互连。无线自组网络最初的动机之一就足满足战场生存的军事需求。在战场恶劣的环境下,通信设备不可能依赖已经铺设的通信基础设施,一方面这些设施可能根本不存在,另一方面,这些设施会随时遭到破坏。因此,能快速装备、自组织的移动基础设施是这种网络区别于其他商业蜂窝系统的基本要素。adhoc网络的许多优良特性使其在民用和军事通信领域占据一席之地,可广泛地应用于战场通信指挥与控制、抢险救灾、传感器网络、课堂教育、移动会议等众多领域,作为未来4g的重要组成部分,近几年来成为理论界研究的热点之一,以其快速灵活的组网方式在军事、民用领域有着重要的战略意义和商业价值。 超宽带(ultrawideband)技术的民用化,为短距无线通信带来了高效率的物理层实现:传输速率高,克服了移动自组网传统物理层的传输速度瓶颈;保密性好的特点使uwb给予移动自组网络物理层上的安全支持;发送脉冲电波,消耗电能少;高的定位能力,为移动自组网络的邻节点发现和路由提供了支持。 与此同时,服务质量qos保证,是传输实时数据的前提机制,对于动态拓扑链路时变的移动自组网来说,qos支持对商业化应用显得格外重要。作为qos系统中的一部分,qos路由协议负责选择满足资源要求的路径,与qosmac、qos信令协议协同工作来建立满足端到端qos需求的路由,即满足延迟、抖动、带宽或多度量约束。 本文主要研究内容有:基于uwb和qos两方面的需求,结合uwb技术和移动自组网络的特点,对移动自组网络的uwb组网和qos保障进行研究;在现有的adhocqos路由协议和uwb路由协议的基础上,分析总结已有的路由策略和寻径方法,实现一种新的路由策略,考虑对实时业务传输的支持,满足qos需求;对协议进行仿真测试,对测试结果进行分析,对协议性能进行验证。 本文主要贡献: (1)提出了一种新的uwb移动自组网络qos路由策略durp(distance-baseduwbroutingprotocol),采用基于位置的贪婪转发算法,限制路由分组的泛洪,转发过程考察节点带宽和稳定性。在成功路由的基础上保障服务质量。 (2)提出了有效节点子集的概念,利用组播和本地区域的维护,使广播包控制在本地区域内,减少了整个网络的广播风暴。 (3)提出了一种新的衡量节点稳定性的方法,即通过对邻节点的计算来测量本节点是否处于不稳定状态,为路由转发和路由维护提供了参考信息。 The Mobile Ad hoc Network /(MANET/) is self-organized without use of any existing network infrastructure or any centralized administration. Distributing randomly, the nodes connect each other with wireless and multi-hop fashion. The prime motivation to build MANET is to meet the need of battlefield. On the inclement environment, the communication unit unlikely depend existing infrastructure, because in one hand, maybe there is no infrastructure at all, in the other hand, the infrastructure can be damaged at any moment. Compared with commercial GSM networks, the ability to setup rapidly and self organization is the basic element of MANET. With fine characteristic, MANET became more and more important in commercial and military communication. It can be applied in traffic guidance, emergency rescue, sensor network, education and mobile meeting. As an important part of 4G, MANET has been a hot spot in theory research and became more and more important in commercial and military applications. Development of UWB technology brings efficient PHY for short range wireless communications. The high transmission rate unclog of bandwidth bottlenecks. The fine security characteristic enable UWB support security on PHY layer. Pulsing decreases the electric power consumption. The precise localization supports neighbor discovery and routing better for MANET. Meanwhile, as the premise of real data transmission, QoS support system became increasing fundamental especially in the dynamic topology and time varying environments. As a part of QoS support system, Qos routing aimed to search route which meets the resource requirements. QoS routing works cooperatively with QoS MAC and QoS signaling protocols to establish available routes then satisfy end to end QoS requirement such as requirement of delay, jitter, and bandwith or multi metrics constraint. Conetent of this paper: Based on the UWB technology and the characteristic of Ad hoc networks, the formation of UWB networks and QoS guarantee are researched in order to meet the requirement of both UWB and QoS; We analyze the routing strategy of basic routing protocols, implement a novel routing strategy considering the bandwidth to support QoS; Finally, afer protocol simulaton, the trace file is analyzed and the performance is evaluated. Main contributions: /(1/) Propose an novell QoS routing protocol for UWB Ad hoc networks - DURP/(Distance based UWB Routing Protocol/) adopting greedy forward based on location, limiting the flood of routing packets, considering the bandwidth and stability of nodes as well, finally ensure the routing success ratio and QoS requirement. /(2/) Propose a conception of AS /(Available Subset/) utilizing multicast and local area maintenance to control the broadcast storm /(3/) Propose a new method to measure the stability of nodes, ie. by caculating number of neighbor to measure the node is stable or not.This information can be adopted in routing maintenance and forward.

关 键 词: 移动自组网络 超宽带 路由协议 服务质量 组网

分 类 号: [TN925.93 TN915.04]

领  域: [电子电信] [电子电信] [电子电信] [电子电信]


作者 薛琼
作者 潘觉敏
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作者 李辉


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学


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