作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南农业大学经济管理学院
出 处: 《华南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第3期23-26,69,共5页
摘 要: 文章对广东温氏食品集团有限公司农业产业化经营的成功经验进行了分析 ,并将之总结为“温氏模式”。其主要特点是 :劳动者与所有者合二为一的全员股份制是其发展的动力源泉 ;供产销一条龙 ,集团化大生产是其利润保障的组织形式 ;高度重视人才与技术研发形成了稳定创新机制 ;共同富裕的企业文化使员工形成自我管理和自觉行动 ,并提高了公司的社会形象。实践证明 ,“温氏模式”是加快发展我国农业产业化 。 This paper analyses the successful experience of “Wen's Management Model', which is the Management Model of Guangdong Wen's Food Group Co. Ltd engaging in agricultural industrialization. The chief features are: all-staff stock system combining the worker and owner is the dynamic source of development; the organizational pattern of supply-production-marketing integration and large-scale production supports its profit; attaching importance to the talent and R&D shape the stable creative mechanism; the corporate culture of commonly enriching makes employee self-management and voluntarily doing, and improving the social image. It has been proved that “Wen's Management Model' is an effective management model in prompting Chinese agricultural industrialization and increasing the peasant's income.
关 键 词: 农业龙头企业 股份制 供产销一体化 经营模式 企业文化
领 域: [经济管理]