机构地区: 山东大学生命科学学院微生物技术国家重点实验室
出 处: 《中国造纸学报》 2004年第1期37-40,共4页
摘 要: 研究了过氧酸预处理对桉木KP浆氧脱术素的改善效果,优化了过氧酸预处理的条件。在氧脱木素前对浆料进行过氧酸预处理,可以有效改善后续氧脱木素段的脱术素效率,增加脱术素程度,提高氧脱术素的选择性,增加纸浆白度。过氧酸预处理的适宜条件为:过氧酸用量3%(H_2SO_5计),温度60℃,时间30min,浆浓12%,pH值5.0,在预处理前首先用0.5%DTPA进行螫合预处理。在此条件下,与单纯氧脱木素段相比,氧脱木素程度增加12.4%,达到57.3%;氧漂浆白度增加4.9%ISO,达到58.9%ISO;纸浆粘度变化不大。 Effect of peroxyacid (a mixture of peroxymonsulfuric acid and peroxyacetic acid)pretreatmint on oxygen delignification of kraft pulp from eucalyptus was studied, and pretreatment conditions (e.g.DTPA charge, peroxyacid charge, pretreatment time, pretreatment temperature and pH value)were optimeize.The results showed that peroxyacid pretreatment prior to oxygen delignification could enhance oxygen delignification of kraft pulp, and result in increase of delignification selectivity and delignifed-pulp brightness.The optimum conditions of peroxyacid pretreatment were as follows: peroxyacid charge 3%(on peroxymonosulfuric acid), 60℃, 30 min, 12% pulp consistency, pH5.0.Chelating treatment with 0.5% DTPA was essential before peroxyacid pretreatment.In the optimum conditions,degree of delignification and brightness of final pulp were in- creased by 12.4 (from 44.9% to 57.3% )and 4.9 points (ISO,from 54.0% to 58.9%)respectively while maintaining the similar viscosity of final pulps compared to conventional oxygen delignification.
关 键 词: 桉木 浆 浆 氧脱木素 过氧酸预处理 制浆 纸浆
领 域: [轻工技术与工程]