机构地区: 暨南大学信息科学技术学院数学系
出 处: 《高等学校计算数学学报》 2004年第2期125-131,共7页
摘 要: 1引言本文考虑非线性方程组ci(x)=0, i=1,2,…,m, (1.1)其中x∈Rn,ci:Rn→R,i=1,2,…,m.对于(1.1),现在主要有两种方法.一种是Newton类型的迭代方法。 We transform the system of nonlinear equations into a nonlinear programming problem, which is attacked by feasible sequential quadratic program-ming(FSQP) method.We do not employ standard least square approach.We divide the equations into two groups. One group, which contains the equations with zero residual,is treated as equality constraints. The square of other equations is regarded as objective function. Two groups are updated in every step.Therefore, the subproblem is updated at every step, which avoids the difficulty that it is required to lie in feasible region for FSQP.