机构地区: 西北农林科技大学农学院陕西省作物杂种优势研究与利用重点实验室
出 处: 《西北植物学报》 2004年第6期986-990,共5页
摘 要: 应用石蜡切片和醋酸洋红压片法,从细胞学角度对4个同质异核二角型小麦雄性不育系ms bicor -8222、ms bicor -80 6 、ms bicor -5-4及ms bicor -5-8的花粉败育过程进行了比较研究.结果表明: 1 4种不育系败育特点总趋势基本雷同,但也因特定核型亦存在一些差异; 2 二角型雄性不育系小孢子发生与其保持系相似,花粉败育就花药而言,中层有延迟退化、解体的趋势,就花粉粒而言,败育主要发生在二细胞花粉粒后期至三细胞花粉粒期; 3 4个不育系花粉败育异常,主要表现为二分体细胞内有微核出现,内缘壁周缘细胞均呈次生纤维状增生;维管束鞘细胞排列不规则,花粉大小不一; 4 花粉败育与营养供应无直接关系,细胞核对花粉育性及育性相关性状相对细胞质影响较小. The pollen abortion processes of four male sterile lines with Aegilops bicornis cytoplasm, namely ms (bicor)-8222,ms (bicor)-80(6),ms (bicor)-5-4 and ms (bicor)-5-8, were comparatively investigated using cytological method in wheat. The results were as follows: (1) The pollen abortion processes of four male sterile lines have more similarities and less differences. (2) The microsporogenesis of four male sterile lines are normal and similar to their maintainers. The middle layer degeneration was somewhat later than the maintainer. The pollens of four male sterile lines aborted at late 2-celled pollen or 3-celled pollen stage. (3) There are many abnormities in the processes of pollen abortion of four male sterile lines: many micronuclei in dyad. All endothecium cells showed secondary thicken fibrous layer. The vascular bundle sheath cells disorder. The pollens are not equirotal. (4) There is no direct relationship between the pollen abortion and the nutrition supply. The nucleolus has no decisive influence on pollen fertility and correlative traits.