机构地区: 广州市社会科学院
出 处: 《规划师》 2004年第5期8-12,共5页
摘 要: 通过改制,广州推动了“城中村”社区集体经济的发展和“城中村”的改造、建设,促进了基层政权建设,提高了公共服务的效率,加大了政策的贯彻力度,并为居民提供了相应的社会保障。 Through system reform,Guangzhou haspromoted the development of collective economyof the community in the'city village'and the recon-struction and construction of the'city village'.Thegrass roots regime has been strengthened,effi-ciency in public service has been improved,effortshave been intensified in the implementation of poli-cies and relative social security has been providedto the residents.[