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Cultural landscape of overseas Chinese in Guangdong and its territorial distribution

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 中山大学地理科学与规划学院城市与区域研究中心

出  处: 《地理研究》 2004年第3期411-421,共11页

摘  要: 华侨文化地理研究 ,在国内外是一个薄弱领域。本文以我国华侨人数最多、分布最广的广东为对象 ,阐述华侨文化的内涵 ,侨乡在引种外来作物形成的土地利用景观 ;引进西方骑楼和城镇规划制度 ,并结合当地环境产生的建筑文化景观 ;外语与方言相结合并广泛办侨刊形成的语言文字景观 ,以及华侨形成的人才文化景观等特色和影响。根据侨乡文化特质的相对一致性和侨居地文化背景相对共同性相结合的原则 ,首次划分珠江三角洲广府、五邑、潮汕、东江 -兴梅、琼东北 5个华侨文化区 。 Cultural geography study is in the ascendance in China, but study on cultural geography of overseas Chinese is weak in the research field at home and aboard and it needs earnestly to be studied further The thesis takes Guangdong province as an object, where the largest number of oversea Chinese is distributed most widely in the world It sets forth the connotation of overseas Chinese culture that has two cultural headstreams One is the hometown of overseas Chinese and the other is the emigration place Overseas Chinese culture is a cultural type with Chinese and western culture features and extensively operating overseas Chinese magazines It expatiates on the land use landscape formed by introducing foreign crops in the hometown of overseas Chinese It also expounds the architectural cultural landscape formed by introducing the western Qilou and city planning system combined with local environment, the language landscape formed by the combination of foreign languages and local dialects and cultural landscape formed by overseas Chinese with ability The thesis points out their historical influence on the society, economics and culture in the local place On the basis of the combination of the relative coherence of cultural features in the hometowns of overseas Chinese and the comparative intercommunity of the cultural background in the foreign countries where the overseas Chinese live, the thesis, for the first time, divides the Pearl River Delta into the following five culture areas of overseas Chinese as: Guangfu Culture Area, Wuyi Culture Area, Chaoshan Culture Area, Dongjiang Xingmei Culture Area and Northeast of Hainan Island Culture Area It puts forwards their respective culture characteristics and regional effects that are supposed to be opened up and made good use of

关 键 词: 华侨文化景观 地域分异 广东

领  域: [历史地理]


作者 杨萍
作者 李国平
作者 彭静
作者 陈恩维
作者 陈晓瞬


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学地理科学与规划学院
机构 广东技术师范学院民族学院民族研究所
机构 惠州学院
机构 韩山师范学院政史系


作者 徐佳宁
作者 曾彧
作者 杨卫华
作者 欧阳娟
作者 武小平