机构地区: 广东轻工职业技术学院机电工程系
出 处: 《模具技术》 2004年第3期23-24,38,共3页
摘 要: 某发动机箱体件压铸轴承座圈靠间隙配合定位 ,压铸过程中采用合模压杆压紧以防止轴承座圈被铝水冲移位置 ,压杆留下的孔需胶水填补固化以防泄漏 ,存在费工费时 ,增加填胶成本、座圈中心定位精度低等问题 ,将机加工夹具设计原理融入进行改进设计 ,实现了座圈的自动定心和夹紧 ,免除填胶工序和压杆等装置的设置 ,简化模具设计 ,节约制造成本 ,提高效率。 In order to avoid glue filling for the holes left on the workpiece by press rods and solve the problem of lower alignment precision for bearing base ring on the original aluminum cast die, the original desing of the alignment core is improved by combining the theory of jig and fixture for conventional machining process into the die design. Auto-centering and auto-clamping of the bearing base ring in the process of casting are realized. With the work principle and the improved structure design of the alignment core illustrated in detail, the achieved results are demonstrated in the paper such as avoiding glue filling process and use of press rods leading to lower manufacturing cost, higher productivity and simple die design.
领 域: [金属学及工艺]