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Affection of Metallothionein-3 to dUTPase's Accommodating Cellular Toxicity of dUTP

作  者: ; ; ; ; (康巧华);

机构地区: 北京大学人民医院

出  处: 《生物工程学报》 2004年第3期389-393,共5页

摘  要: 金属硫蛋白 3(MT 3) ,又称神经生长抑制因子 ,是一种脑特异性金属硫蛋白。人细胞核dUTP焦磷酸酶(dUTPpyrophosphatase,dUTPase)是最近在脑中研究发现的能与人金属硫蛋白 3(humanmetallothionein 3,hMT 3)相互作用的一个蛋白 ,两者共同作用具有神经元生长抑制活性。为了探讨hMT 3对dUTPase调节dUTP引起的细胞毒性作用的影响 ,通过基因转染HEK2 93细胞观察细胞在dUTP中的生长情况 ,发现共转染hMT 3和dUTPase基因的细胞比单转染dUTPase或hMT 3基因的细胞具有更强的对dUTP细胞毒性的耐受能力 ;同时在大肠杆菌BL2 1中表达重组蛋白 ,测定hMT 3在dUTPase水解dUTP中的作用 ,结果显示重组蛋白hMT 3可以促进dUTPase对dUTP的水解。结果均初步证实了hMT 3对dUTPase抵抗dUTP引起的正常细胞死亡有一定的协同作用 ,为进一步研究dUTPase及其相互作用蛋白hMT 3在化疗中的应用提供理论依据。 Metallothionein-3(MT-3), renamed as growth inhibitory factor(GIF), is a brain specific member of the metallothionein family. Human dUTPase is a recently found protein in brain that can interact with hMT-3. They have the growth inhibitory activity on neuron cell by interaction. To study the affection of hMT-3 to dUTPase's eliminating the cellular toxicity caused by dUTP, the pSVHA-dUTPase and pFLag-hMT-3 genes have been transfected into HEK293 cells. In addition, the dUTPase and hMT-3 proteins were expressed in BL21 to study the role of hMT-3 on the hydrolyzation of dUTP by dUTPase. The results demonstrate that the cells co-transfected with dUTPase and hMT-3 genes have more strong resistibility to dUTP than the cells transfected only with dUTPase gene. And that the hMT-3 protein can accelerate the hydrolyzation of dUTP by dUTPase. All these indicate that hMT-3 can cooperate with dUTPase to protect better the 293 cells from dUTP. This research offered the theoretic elements for the application of hMT-3 and dUTPase in chemic cure.

关 键 词: 基因转染 细胞毒性

领  域: [生物学]




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