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Roaring Beasts in Bulrushes:Communication between the Ming and Countries in Central and Western Asia by Means of Presenting Lions

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《西北民族研究》 2004年第1期136-147,共12页

摘  要: 在明代的对外关系中,中西亚以狮子为“贡献”的交往显得格外的突出。今阿富汗赫拉特市的“哈烈”城首开记录,以后,朱氏皇帝相继从今乌兹别克撒马尔罕市之“撒马儿罕”,今伊朗设拉子市之“失刺思”、伊思法罕市之“亦思弗罕”、阿巴斯港市之“忽鲁谟厮”,土耳其科尼亚市之“鲁迷”,也门亚丁市之“阿丹”,沙特阿拉伯麦加市之“天方”等国得到狮子。狮子数量之多以及输入的频繁,在中国中世纪的历史上名列前茅。缘于亲眼目睹,明代士人对于这种猛兽的外形、特征的描述,可谓亦细亦微、惟妙惟肖。随着狮子“贡献”而带来的日益严重的财政和外事问题的出现,永乐、宣德之际朝臣的歌颂变成了天顺、嘉靖期间朝臣的劝谏。 It was a remarkable one among the diplomatic events in the Ming Dynasty that the countries in Central and Western Asia presenting lions. The emperors had got the animals from Heart(Halie)at first and then Samarkand,Shiraz,Esfahan,Hormoz,Konya (Lumi),Aden and Makkah (Tianfang ). The quantity of the beasts and frequency of the contribution was so large that came out top in Chinese history in middle ages.The people living in Ming times described the figurations and characters of lions factually and lively because most of them had seen them by themselves. There were more serious financial and diplomatic problems appearing in the courses of lion presenting and it was praised during the periods of Yongle-Xuande by the officials in the court but was criticized during the periods of Tianshun-Jiajing.

关 键 词: 中亚 西亚 明朝 文化交流 朝贡方式 狮子 象征意义

领  域: [历史地理] [历史地理] [历史地理] [历史地理]


作者 屈广燕
作者 刘向楠
作者 叶君明
作者 范远波
作者 叶匡时


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学历史文化学院
机构 暨南大学文学院


作者 徐佳宁
作者 曾彧
作者 杨卫华
作者 欧阳娟
作者 武小平