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The Change of Spatial Disparities of Urban Development in China, 1990s

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 中山大学地理科学与规划学院城市与区域研究中心

出  处: 《地理学报》 2004年第3期437-445,共9页

摘  要: 城市化速度加快,城市区域化和区域城市化以及城镇体系开放性增强等是20世纪90年代中国城市发展的总体特征。以省级行政区为基本空间单元,选取25项城市发展指标, 利用SPSS统计分析软件对1990年和2000年中国城市发展进行主成份分析和聚类分析,得出20世纪90年代中国城市发展空间差异的变动特征是:①城市发展水平的东西空间差异增大,东部沿海地区城市发展重心南移;②城市发展速度东部沿海地区快于中西部地区,东部地区的南部大于北部,基础较好的城市集群发展速度较快;③东部沿海地区的北京和上海集聚性、外向性和创新性特点都很显著,中西部地区城市发展特征结构仍处于低水平均衡状态。国家目标、战略和政策的作用及其效果累积,城市发展动力机制和地理区位条件的差异是这一时期中国城市发展空间差异变动的主要原因。 Based on the statistical data, this paper makes an analysis on the change of spatial differentiation of urban development in China during the 1990s. The spatial units in this study are the 30 provincial level districts, including provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis are two main methods in the research. Firstly, the characteristics of urban development in China since 1990 are sketched out. Results indicate that the level of urbanization increased greatly and the process of urbanization has stepped into an accelerating period; the metropolises developed so rapidly that the regionalization has become more popular; the quantity of compact urban districts has increased and the landscape of regional urbanization has emerged; and the outward property of the urban system has been enhanced, and the relationship between cities and regions has been changed greatly. Secondly, three main factors, namely aggregative-oriented factor, innovative-oriented factor and outward-oriented factor, are chosen by factor analysis to describe the spatial variation of the urban development properties, and ten city-clusters are obtained. Thirdly, through the comparison of the spatial disparity of 2000 to that of 1990, the change of spatial disparity of urban development since 1990 is analyzed from three perspectives, namely the level of urban development, the property of urban development and the speed of urban development.

关 键 词: 城市发展 空间差异变动 中国 城市化 动力机制 主成份分析 聚类分析

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 罗丰
作者 胡碧波
作者 王晓亚
作者 沈璐璐
作者 谢润椿


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南农业大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟