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Studies on Thermal Stability of Biologic Pesticide Azadirachtin

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 济南大学化学化工学院

出  处: 《河南农业科学》 2004年第5期37-40,共4页

摘  要: 研究了水分、黄曲霉、溶剂、乳化剂、稳定剂等因素对印楝素热稳定性的影响 ,结果表明 :除去水分、黄曲霉后的固体印楝素稳定性有明显改善 ,印楝素在各种溶剂中的稳定性为 :二甲苯 -乙腈 ( 2∶1 )≈二甲苯 -乙酸乙酯 ( 2∶1 ) >二甲亚砜 >乙腈 >乙酸乙酯 >丙酮 >甲醇≈乙醇 ;各种乳化剂的存在加速印楝素的分解 ,其中热分解速度 :十二烷基苯磺酸钠 >吐温 - 80 >CH1 0 0 >吐温 - 2 0≈CH40 0 ;加入热稳定剂后能明显改善印楝素的稳定效果 。 Effect of moisture,aflatoxin,solvents,emulsifier and thermal stabilizers on thermal stability of azadirachtin was investigated. It was found that thermal stability of solid azadirachtin has been obviously improved by removal of moisture and aflatoxin. The order of azadirachtin thermal stability in different solvents was as follow:Xylene acetonitrile (2:1) ≈ xylene ethyl acetate (2∶1) >DMSO >acetonitrile >ethyl acetate >acetone> methanol ≈ethanol. All kinds of emulsifier enhanced the rate of thermal degradation of azadirachtin in solution. The rate of thermal degradation was as:LAS >Teween-80 >CH 100 >Teween-20 ≈ CH 400 . The thermal stability of azadirachtin was enhanced by addition thermal stabilizers in solution. It was found that epoxideized soybean oil was the best thermal stabilizers.

关 键 词: 生物农药 印楝素 热稳定性 热稳定剂 环氧化豆油 制剂

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 李月


机构 华南理工大学化学与化工学院制药工程系


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作者 吴晨
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