机构地区: 广州大学土木工程学院工程抗震研究中心
出 处: 《地震工程与工程振动》 2004年第2期158-167,共10页
摘 要: 本文系统地研究分析了橡胶隔震支座(简称橡胶座)拉伸相关的基础理论,提出了原点拉伸纵弹性模量、拉伸刚度因子、原点拉伸刚度、偏拉原点刚度等基本概念,还提出了计算橡胶座非线性段拉伸刚度的双刚度和原点拉伸刚度应力应变模型等理论。基于原点拉伸刚度和偏拉原点刚度,提出了预测橡胶座的拉伸变形量计算理论。针对新提出的基本概念和计算理论采用低弹性天然橡胶和铅芯橡胶座原型试件进行了试验研究工作,结果表明本文建立的计算理论能够较理想地定量分析橡胶座拉伸相关的刚度和变形特性。 The tension property theory of rubber bearings is researched in the paper. A series of basic concepts, such as origin tension longitudinal elastic modulus,tension stiffness factor, origin tension stiffness and biasing tension origin stiffness are suggested with corresponding theoretical formula and testing estimation method. Based on the origin tension stiffness and biasing tension origin stiffness, the deformation calculating theory related to pure tension state and shear- tension state of isolating bearing is established. The vertical stiffness, biasing tension origin stiffness and deformation tests are performed with gun rubber bearings and lead plug rubber bearings, in order to verify the new concepts and computation model of rubber isolators. All test results show that the theory established in the paper is an effective theory to analyze the tension stiffness and tension deformation of rubber isolators.
关 键 词: 非线性弹性 橡胶座 原点拉伸刚度 偏拉原点刚度
领 域: [建筑科学]