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Diversity and stability of arthropod assemblage in tea orchard

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广东省昆虫研究所

出  处: 《应用生态学报》 2004年第5期875-878,共4页

摘  要: 对常年用人工或除草剂除草的茶园和地面种植长节耳草 (Hedyotisuncinella)的茶园茶树生境节肢动物类群的多样性和稳定性进行了分析和比较 .结果表明 ,复合茶园节肢动物类群主要特征的丰富度值除一次低于 4外 ,其他都在 4~ 8之间 ,最高达 7 74 0 3.单一园丰富度值大部分在 4~ 6之间 ,最高的为6 7810 ;复合园丰富度值平均值为 5 4 6 72± 0 3483,高于单一园相应值 4 880 9± 0 3175 .复合园节肢动物Shannon Weiner多样性指数平均值为 3 85 35± 0 12 32 ,比单一园相应值 3 4 6 5 4± 0 185 6高 .复合园均匀度指数平均值 0 8781± 0 0 12 ,高于单一园均匀度值 0 82 6 1± 0 0 38.相反 ,复合园节肢动物优势集中度平均值 (0 0 992± 0 0 0 9)低于单一园值 (0 16 36± 0 0 38) .复合园稳定性指标Ss/Si 和Sn/Sp 比单一园的高 ,而复合园多样性变异系数ds/dm 值 (0 110 7)比单一园相应值 (0 185 5 )低 .研究表明 ,复合茶园生态系统有比单一茶园生态系统更丰富的生物多样性和更高的系统稳定性 . Two tea orchards,simplex tea orchard with weeds removed manually or by herbicides (STO) and complex tea orchard with the weed Hedyotis uncinella(CTO),each with an area of 0.4 hm 2,were established in 1995 in Yingde Hongxing Tea Plantation,Guangdong Province.The primary eigenvalues,species richness index (R),assemblage diversity index (H′),evenness index (J) and species concentration index (C) of arthropod assemblage were employed and compared to assess the efficacy of STO and CTO on the diversity and stability of arthropod assemblage.Stability indexes S s/S i and S n/S p and variation coefficient of diversity index d s/d m were utilized as well.The results demonstrated that the R of arthropod assemblage in CTO ranged from 4 to 8,with the highest of 7.7403,while that in STO varied mainly between 4 to 6.The average R of arthropod assemblage in CTO was 5.4672±0.3483,higher than that in STO (4.8809±0.3175).The H′ of arthropod in CTO (3,8535±0.1232) was higher,in contrast to the value in STO (3.4654±0.1856).The J in CTO was higher,while the species concentration index (C) was lower,in comparison to STO.The stability indexes S s/S i and S n/S p of CTO were greater than those of STO,while the d s/d m in CTO (0 1107) was lower than that in STO (0 1855).All these indicated that the diversity of arthropod assemblage was better preserved in CTO,and the arthropod assemblage in CTO was more stable.

关 键 词: 茶园 节肢动物类群 多样性 稳定性

领  域: [生物学]


作者 杨纯玲
作者 涂湘蕻
作者 林美杏
作者 廖典海
作者 黄艳


机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州体育学院


作者 丁培强
作者 徐松林
作者 徐枫
作者 陈光慧
作者 孙有发