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Current attitudes and knowledge about suicide in community members:a qualitative study

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 北京心理危机研究与干预中心

出  处: 《中华流行病学杂志》 2004年第4期296-301,共6页

摘  要: 目的 了解当前人群对自杀的态度及其自杀学知识。方法 由17名经过严格集中培训的精神科医护人员围绕自杀态度及知识的专题小组讨论提纲,在中国北方6个地区对842名不同人群主持了101个专题小组讨论会和18个个体深入访谈。讨论会和访谈的内容全部录音,并以文字形式录入电脑,然后用QSR Nvivo软件对内容进行分析。结果 多数人认为中国女性以及农村发生自杀多,躯体疾病、经济困难和人际矛盾(特别是家庭内部矛盾)是自杀的主要原因;认为女性和农村自杀多是因为这些人素质低、“心眼小”,容易冲动自杀。相当一部分人认为自杀可以理解,少部分人认为在某些特定情况下自杀是可以接受的。绝大多数人认为自杀会让家人感觉“丢面子”、被人看不起。大多数人认为应该关心有自杀行为的人及其家人,愿意与他们有一般的人际交往,但不愿意有更深入的交往。绝大多数人认为自杀无法或不好预防。结论 在中国,社会对自杀持一种宽容、同情甚至理解的态度的同时,也有很大比例的歧视成分在内。群众对自杀的了解有一定偏差,特别是对精神疾病在自杀原因中的重要性缺乏了解。为了更好地利用健康教育这一措施来预防自杀行为的发生,在制定相关的健康教育内容时应将定性与定量研究结果结合起来。 Objective Understand the public's current attitudes and knowledge about suicide and, thus, provide essential information to the development of targeted public education programs--important components of the suicide prevention effort. Methods Seventeen mental health professionals who were extensively trained in the methods of conducting focus groups used a pre--tested focus group outline on attitudes and knowledge about suicide to conduct 101 focus groups and 18 individual in--depth interviews with a total of 842 community respondents from 6 regions in northern China. The focus groups and in- depth interviews were audio--taped, transcribed and analyzed using the QSR Nvivo text analysis software. Results Most respondents believed that suicide was a greater problem in rural areas and among women and identified physical illnesses, economic problems and interpersonal conflicts (particularly family conflicts) as the main causes of suicide. Rural residents and women were believed to exhibit impulsive suicidal behavior because of their personal limitations and over--sensitiveness. Most thought that suicide was understandable and a small proportion felt that it was acceptable behavior in certain circumstances. Almost all felt that suicide resulted in the stigmatization and a loss of 'face' for the family. Most believed that one should show concern for persons who have suicidal behavior and their family members and expressed a willingness to have superficial social relationships with them but were unwilling to establish close personal relations with them. The vast majority believed that suicide was either very difficult or impossible to prevent. Conclusions In China the community is tolerant, sympathetic and, in some cases, accepting of suicide but there remains a substantial underlying stigmatization of suicide. Community members have some misunderstandings about

关 键 词: 中国 北方地区 部分地区 人群 自杀 认识态度 知识性 定性分析

领  域: [经济管理] [社会学]


作者 汪苏华
作者 高良坚
作者 蔡雪雯
作者 陈子典
作者 王富仁


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 华南师范大学政治与行政学院


作者 张书军
作者 张建梅
作者 张恩施
作者 彭劲松
作者 徐来