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Effect of cold storage on mass-rearing population quality of Trichogrammatoidea bactrae

作  者: ; ; ; (方楚明);

机构地区: 华南农业大学

出  处: 《华南农业大学学报》 2004年第2期56-59,共4页

摘  要: 从冷藏赤眼蜂的羽化率、雌蜂寄生卵量、雌蜂的寿命以及实验种群趋势指数四方面,用生命表技术系统地评价了低温冷藏对卷蛾分索赤眼蜂繁群品质的影响.种群趋势指数的引入,更为全面和客观地表达了低温对赤眼蜂繁群品质的影响.综合各虫态的赤眼蜂对低温的反应,卷蛾分索赤眼蜂对低温比较敏感,特别是处于卵期和蛹期的赤眼蜂对低温的反应更为敏感,其羽化率、寄生能力及寿命都受到明显削弱,冷藏3d后其种群趋势指数值就降至1以下,而老熟幼虫期的赤眼蜂所受影响相对较小,是进行短期(6~9d)冷藏的适用虫态. The effect of cold storage on the population quality of Trichogrammatoidea bactrae was evaluated from the aspects of their emergence rates, fecundity, wasp longevity and index of population trend. It was more comprehensive and actual to estimate the population quality with the index of population trend. T. bactrae was quite susceptive to low temperature. Among all stored states, the egg and pupa-stage of T. bactrae stored were the most susceptive to the low temperature, its reproductive and longevity were greatly impaired by low temperature, and the index of population trend was less than 1 after stored for 3 days. The larve stage of T. bactrae stored was less susceptive to the low temperature, and was the optimal stage for short-term storage ((6~9) days).

关 键 词: 低温冷藏 卷蛾分索赤眼蜂 繁群品质 种群趋势指数 羽化率 雌蜂寄生卵量 雌蜂寿命 寄生性天敌 生物防治

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 林继球


机构 中山大学生命科学学院生物系


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