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New taxa of Hypericum (Clusiaceae) from China

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 上海中医药大学

出  处: 《植物分类学报》 2004年第1期73-78,共6页

摘  要: 描述了采集于湖北巴东县的金丝桃属HypericumL .的 3个新分类群 ,即湖北小连翘H .hubeienseL .H .Wu&D .P .Yang、恩施小连翘H .enshienseL .H .Wu&F .S.Wang和长萼小连翘H .erectumThunb .ssp .longisepalumL .H .Wu&D .P .Yang。湖北小连翘与H .asahinaeMakino相似 ,表现在叶无柄 ,基部心形抱茎 ,花萼和花瓣上具黑色腺条 ;区别在于叶近边缘腺体全为黑色 ,叶片上部无腺体 ,花萼不等大 ,花瓣倒卵状矩圆形 ,边缘上黑色腺体较多 ,雄蕊较多。恩施小连翘在形态上与扬子小连翘H .faberiR .KellerexHand ._Mazz.相似 ,表现在具有匍匐或斜升的习性 ,叶有柄 ,近边缘腺体黑色 ;区别在于叶片下面具有松散的黑色腺体 ,叶下面密具细小的乳突 ,苞片和小苞片叶状 ,花萼较大 ,顶部锐尖 ,花萼和花瓣上面具黑色腺条 ,雄蕊较多。长萼小连翘与H .erectumThunb .exMurrayssp.erectum的不同点在于花萼较大 ,花柱较短 。 Hypericum hubeiense L. H. Wu & D. P. Yang, H. ensh w'nse L. H. Wu & F. S. Wang and H. erectum Thunb. ssp. longisepalum L. H. Wu & D. P. Yang, three new taxa of Hypericum from Badong, Hubei, China, are described. H. hubeiense is closely related to H. asahinae Makino by having sessile leaves with cordate-amplexicaul base, sepals and petals with linear black glands, but differs by having leaves with black intramarginal glands, leaf blade without any glands, unequal sepals, obovate-oblong petals with more black glands, and more stamens. H. enshiense resembles H. faberi R. Keller ex Hand. -Mazz. in the creeping or ascending habit, the petiolate leaves with black intramarginal glands, but differs by the leaf blades with sparse black glands on lower surface and dense tiny papillae on lower surface, the leaf-like bracts and bracteoles, the larger sepals with sharp tip and linear black glands, the petals with linear black glands and, more stamens. H. erectum ssp. longisepalum differs from H. erectum Thunb. ssp. erectum by having larger sepals, shorter styles and seeds without carinate.

关 键 词: 金丝桃属 藤黄科 分类群 湖北 中国

领  域: [生物学]




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