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A preliminary study on the breeding of Huanan No.1 hybrid pennisetum

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 仲恺农业技术学院农业与园林学院农学系

出  处: 《仲恺农业技术学院学报》 2004年第1期56-59,共4页

摘  要: 从杂交狼尾草(Pennisetumamericanum23A×P.purpuerumcv.N51)的芽变系中经系统选育育成华南1号杂交狼尾草(P.americanum23A×P.purpuerumcv.N51cv.HuananNo.1)新品系.对其植株形态特征及生产性能指标的初步观察发现,与原品种相比,新品系具有株高稍矮、节间短、秆粗、叶片长且宽、叶鞘长、叶颈距短等特点.田间小区试验表明,新品系的植株密度与原品种之间无显著性差异,鲜草产量稍低于原品种,但新品系的草秆短、叶量大,品质更优. A new strain of common hybrid pennisetum was selected from bud variation through vegetative propagation and was temporarily named as Huanan No.1. Compared with the morphological character of the common hybrid pennisetum the new strain was shorter in both plant height and internode length, the culm was thicker, the leaf was longer and wider, the sheath was longer and the parallel distance of adjacent collar was shorter. Although the plant density and yield of the new strain were similar to the common hybrid pennisetum, the greater leaf rate resulted in a better herbage quality in the new strain.

关 键 词: 牧草 华南 号品种 杂交狼尾草 选育 生产性能 植株形态特征 芽变系

领  域: [农业科学]




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