机构地区: 中国人民解放军外国语学院
出 处: 《模糊系统与数学》 2004年第1期47-52,共6页
摘 要: 基于格值命题逻辑LP(X)的α-归结原理及α-归结自动推理方法,能够较好地刻画具有可比较性和不可比较性的不确定性信息。LP(X)中的不可分极简式是一个非常重要的概念,本文对蕴涵运算个数小于3的不可分极简式的性质和判定方法进行了讨论,得到了一些重要结论。 The α -resolution principle and the α -automated reasoning method based on lattice-valued (propositional) logic LP(X) can be used to model uncertain information that may be comparable or (incomparable.) The indecomposable extremely simple forms of LP(X) is an important concept. The (properties) of indecomposable extremely simple forms which the number of implication connectives (occurring) it is less than 3 and the method to judge if a logical formula is indecomposable extremely (simple) form or not were discussed, and some conclusions were obtained.