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Dual and Triple Evidence Methods and Others —— Informal Discussion about Ancient Literature Research Method

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学文学院中国语言文学系

出  处: 《洛阳大学学报》 2004年第1期5-9,共5页

摘  要: 王国维提出了"二重证据法",以作为文献的"纸上材料"与考古所得的"地下之新材料"相结合,将乾嘉学派的考据方法,与西方资产阶级革命以来的科学新方法相结合,"不屈旧以就新,亦不绌新以从旧",取得了杰出的学术成就。当代学者叶舒宪提出了"三重证据法",即用人类学研究的成果来论证古代文化,用外国的、世界的东西来论证中国的情况。笔者认为"三重证据法"的名词或可质疑,但用文化人类学来"破译"古代文化所取得的实绩确实是令人振奋的。若不为名词所限,本着闻一多、郑振铎等前辈学者的开创精神,在当代学者勇于探索的启发下,尽管不采用"三重证据法"的说法,或不限于文化人类学的方法,但沿着文化学的研究路子,应该可以在古代文学的研究中继续有所创造,有所建树。梁启超、王国维、鲁迅、陈寅恪等学术大师们研究古代文学的方法和成就,给了我们足够的启示。 WANG Guo-wei advanced: dual evidence which is used for combining the document based on materials on paper with new underground material from archaeological relics combining QIAN JIA school's textual criticism method with the new scientific method of the western capitalist revolution, 'One neither yields to old and follow the new, now inadequate the new to follow the old', it acquires outstanding academic achievement. Contemporary scholar YE Shu-xian advanced: Triple evidence that is to say to use anthropology research achievement to verify ancient literature, use foreign and words things to verify Chinese condition. The author thought that the noun of 'Triple evidence' is query, but it is excited to use cultural anthropology to comment the achievements gained from ancient literature. If not restricted by the noun, and following the senior scholars, WEN Yi-duo and ZHENG Zhen-duo, for example, initiative spirit, encouraged by the contemporary scholars' enlightenment, even if without the adoption of 'Triple evidence', or without restriction of the method of cultural anthropology. So long as we pursue the way of culture science, we should make creation and contribution on ancient literature research, LIANG Qi-chao、WANG Guo-wei、LU Xun、CHEN Yan-ke, many others were all academic masters who left us with enough inspiration to carry out the research into ancient literature.

关 键 词: 中国古代文学 二重证据法 三重证据法 文化学研究 乾嘉学派

领  域: [文学]


作者 曾志雄
作者 潘静超
作者 章权才
作者 罗俊华
作者 陈伟球


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 学院
机构 广东石油化工学院
机构 深圳职业技术学院


作者 张坤
作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李娟
作者 李晓青