机构地区: 佛山科学技术学院
出 处: 《西南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 2004年第2期165-168,共4页
摘 要: 对广东百合种植区进行了系统调查,结果表明为害宜兴百合Liliumpeciosum的蚜虫有桃蚜Myzuspersicae和豆蚜Aphiscraccivora,其中桃蚜发生的数量较多。在百合未出苗前,1~3月桃蚜主要在小白菜和芥菜为害,并在这些作物上越冬,转入春季后,当食料条件发生变化后,产生有翅蚜迁出,当年3~6月主要在百合上为害,当百合现蕾及成熟后,又产生有翅蚜迁出,在菊花和茄子等植物上为害,随后再转到小白菜和芥菜上为害。当地种植的小白菜Brassicacampestrisvar.Chinensis、芥菜B.juncea等植物都属于桃蚜的嗜食寄主。通过组建不同寄主上实验种群生命表,表明桃蚜在百合和小白菜上种群趋势指数分别为28.512和27.027,最有利于桃蚜种群的增长。 A systematic investigation made in lily-growing areas in Guangdong showed that the aphid species attacking lily (Lilium speciosum) were two species of peach aphid (PA), Myzus pericae and Aphis craccivora, the former having greater population. In January to March, before lily budding, the two pests damaged Chinese cabbage and mustard plants and over-wintered on them. When the food became less palatable, PA reproduced their alar offsprings and moved out. During March to June, they damaged mostly Yixing lily. When lily ripened in autumn, PA reproduced their alar offsprings again and moved to attack chrysanthemum and eggplant, and finally moved to Chinese cabbage and mustard again. The preferable host plants of PA grown in that region were Brassica campestris var. Chinensis and B. juncea . The life tables of the experiment populations of the pests on different host plants showed that the population trend index of PA on L. speciosum and B. campestris var. Chinensis was 28.512 and 27.027, respectively, indicating that these two host plants were very susceptible to aphid.