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Study on the Adaptation of Poa pratensis in Siping Region

作  者: ; ; (周晓梅);

机构地区: 吉林师范大学生命科学学院

出  处: 《吉林农业大学学报》 2004年第1期42-45,共4页

摘  要: 对11种草地早熟禾品种在吉林省四平地区的引种情况进行了研究。在适应性方面测定了抗病性、越夏力、越冬力;在坪用性方面测定了叶片质地、草坪密度、绿度、耐磨及生长速度。进行了数量化单项评定和综合评定,综合评定计算了环境适应参数EAP、绿地型坪用参数TPP。结果表明:11个品种中有9个品种表现出良好的环境适应性(EAP≥3),且全部品种表现出良好的坪用性。midnight(EAP=4,TPP=4 7)品种表现最优,为本地区首选品种;RugbyⅡ(EAP=2 56,TPP=4 7)、Bluemoon(EAP=2 56,TPP=4 7)和Conni(EAP=4,TPP=4 0)可作为本地区草坪的优良品种加以引进。 Poa pratensis introduced to Siping region was studied. The characters for EA included winter hardness, summer hardness, green period and disease tolerance while those of TP included texture, density, colour, wear tolerance and growth speed. A scheme of numerical value 1 to 5 was used for evaluating each of the characters based on the performance ability from poor to good. Two parameters, including EAP (EA parameter) and TPP (green land TP), were proposed and calculated respectively for comprehensive evaluation of EA or TP. The result indicated that there were 5 varieties, which adapted well to the environment, and all varieties performed well for turf usage. Among them, Midnight(EAP=4,TPP=4.7) preformed best. It would be the first choice in this area. RugbyⅡ(EAP=2.56, TPP=4.7), Blue moon(EAP=2.56,TPP=4.7) and Conni(EAP=4, TPP=4.0) as the better varieties could be introduced to this area.

关 键 词: 草坪草 草地早熟禾 四平市 引种 生态适应性 抗病性 越夏力 越冬力 叶片质地 草坪密度 草坪绿度

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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