作 者: ;
机构地区: 长春市宽城区人民检察院
出 处: 《吉林大学社会科学学报》 2003年第5期24-28,共5页
摘 要: 处罚犯罪预备是因为预备行为具有危险性,如果不是行为人意志以外的原因阻挡,这种预备行为将可能会发展成实行行为。正是预备行为本身所具有的这种惯性,对刑法法益具有现实的危险性,因此立法者事先动用刑罚权,来保护刑法法益,这对维护社会秩序是完全必要的。然而,事先动用刑罚权的行为毕竟是一种推定行为,对其应严格加以限制,否则将造成刑罚权的滥用和忽视刑法对人权的保障。 To punish the preparation of crime is because the preparation action is the dangerous action, which can lead to real crime if there is no external cause to obstruct the action. Therefore, it is necessary to the legislators to use the power of punishment before hand to prevent the criminal preparation and to sustain the social order, since the criminal preparation action has the character of inertia, which is the real danger to the legal benefit of criminal law. Nevertheless, it is still rather a predicted action to use the punishment power before the crime, we should make strict restriction to the action to prevent the excessive use of punishment power.