机构地区: 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院
出 处: 《广东工业大学学报》 2004年第1期74-78,共5页
摘 要: 悬浮颗粒和滤料表面ζ电位的变化能使悬浮颗粒和滤料表面的物化性质得到改变,显著改善了滤料过滤性能.实验表明,各种水处理药剂对颗粒表面的ζ电位值的改变存在最佳值,过高或过低的ζ电位,滤料的过滤性能差;当ζ电位值达某一值时,滤池的除浊效果最理想.当投加阳离子高分子电解质作主混凝剂或助凝剂,颗粒及滤料表面ζ电位将发生逆转或降低,从而改善了滤池的过滤性能. Physicochemical characters of suspensible particles and filter medium impact on coagulations between particles and deposit of particles inside filter bed,and abilities of adsorption and interception of filter medium layers.The paper studies variation of Zeta potential on the surface suspensible particles and filter medium and discusses effects of changing physicochemical property of supensible particles and filter medium on direct filtration characteristics.
关 键 词: 悬浮颗粒和滤料表面的物化性质 电位 均质滤料 过滤性能
领 域: [建筑科学]