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Microbial Activity in Biofilter Determined by SOUR

作  者: ; ; ; (刘晓玲); (赵晓东); (赵含衷);

机构地区: 南京大学环境学院污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室

出  处: 《中国给水排水》 2004年第3期16-20,共5页

摘  要:  采用两个平行的GAC、石英砂双层滤料生物滤池处理徐州市地面水厂的混凝沉淀工艺出水,并以SOUR为指标测定了反应器内的微生物活性。结果表明,两个反应器内单位体积填料和单位生物量的活性分别在10-2mgO2/(cm3填料·h)和10-4mgO2/(nmolP·h)的数量级上,其中前者的分布与生物量有关,但不像生物量相差那么悬殊;而后者的分布与生物量相反,下层填料单位生物量的微生物活性要高于上层,其原因可能与生物膜的厚度及基质水平有关。悬浮生物量占总生物量的13%~19%,由于贫营养微生物有形成生物膜的偏好,故悬浮生物主要由老化脱落的生物膜构成,它对微生物活性几乎没有作用。 Two parallel GAC - sand dual media biofilters were setup in Xuzhou surface water plant for treatment of the water from the coagulation and sedimentation tank. SOUR was used as the indicator to investigate the microbial activity in the biofilters. The result showed that microbial activity in terms of the per unit volume media and per nmol-P biomass is at the magnitude of 10^(-2) mgO_2/(cm^3 media·hour) and 10^(-4) mgO_2/(nmol-P·hour) respectively. Of which, the distribution of the former is some close to that of the biomass; the distribution of the latter is contrary to that of the biomass, e.g ., the microbial activity per nmol-P biomass of the bottom media is higher than that of the surface media, which may be attributed to the biofilm thickness and the substrate level. The suspended biomass accounts for 13%~19% of the total biomass. However, the oligotrophic microbes prefers to aggregate as biofilm, which resulted in that the suspended biomass mainly consists of aged and falling-off biofilm and contributed little to the microbial activity.

关 键 词: 给水处理 生物滤池 生物量 微生物活性

领  域: [建筑科学]




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