作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学社会学与人类学学院人类学系
出 处: 《江汉考古》 2003年第3期58-62,共5页
摘 要: 考古发掘中经常发现的楚式陶鬲,曾是区别江汉楚文化和中原商、周文化的一个重要的标准性 器物。本文在对楚式鬲、殷式鬲及周式鬲的外形特征进行比较的基础上,认为楚式鬲所体现的清秀、 婉约、富有线条美的风格与楚人及楚艺术所秉持的一贯的审美关照方式是一致的。 Widely-found Chu-style pottery tripod li is an important standard object to tell the Chu culture in Jianghan region apart from the Shang and Zhou culture in central China. By comparing the appearances of tripod li in different styles such as Chu, Shang and Zhou, this paper demonstrates that characteristics conveyed by Chu-styled pottery tripod represent a Chu aesthetic perspective.