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Studies on decolorization by biosorption of reactive brilliant blue KN-R

作  者: ; ; (田静);

机构地区: 华南理工大学环境科学与工程学院

出  处: 《中国环境科学》 2004年第1期63-67,共5页

摘  要: 从广州某印染厂生化处理池的污泥中筛选到一株对蒽醌染料具有高效吸附脱色作用的菌株HX.考察了碳源浓度、氮源浓度、盐度、染料浓度对蒽醌染料KN-R吸附脱色的影响.结果表明,对于接入的生长菌体,碳源浓度高于7.5g/L时,染料才能完全脱色;染料对菌株HX的生长有一定抑制性,但菌株HX仍表现出了优异的吸附性能,对于250mg/L的KN-R可在48h内完全脱色,400mg/L组在72h内脱色率达94%,600mg/L组72h脱色率可达78.4%;有机氮对染料的脱色起到一定的促进作用,对吸附菌的生长和染料的脱色不是决定性因素;盐度可促进染料的吸附脱色,其同离子效应和盐度效应决定了盐度组的完全脱色时间要比不加入盐度组长;吸附菌HX的生长和染料脱色同步进行,菌体干重达最大时染料的脱色率亦达最大. One sorption strain HX with excellent ability of adsorption-decolorization for anthraquinone dye was screened from the sludge of biochemical treatment pond of certain printing and dyeing plant in Guangzhou. The influence of carbon source concentration, nitrogen source concentration, salinity and dye concentration on the adsorption-decolorization of anthraquinone dye KN-R was investigated. The dye could be completely decolored completely when carbon source concentration ≥7.5g/L to the growing strain. The growth of HX was inhibited definitely by the dye; but the strain HX showed excellent ability of adsorbing property and decolored completely the KN-R with concentration of 250mg/L within 48 hours. The decoloring rate of 400mg/L group was 94% within 72 hours, and that of 600mg/L group was 78.4%. Organic nitrogen promoted definitely the decolorization of dye and was not the factor of decision for the growth of sorption strain and the decolorization of dye. Salinity could promote adsorption-decolorization of dye. Its co-ionic effect and salinity effect decided that the complete decolorization time of salinity group was longer than that without salinity group. The growth of HX and the decolorization of dye were synchronous. When the dry weight of the strain was greatest, the decolorization rate of dye was also greatest.

关 键 词: 活性艳蓝 生物吸附 脱色

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


作者 王许聪


机构 南方医科大学中医药学院


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