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Dream"and"Situation": A Reinterpretation of Lu Xun's "Call to Arms"and"Wandering"(Part II)

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 吉林大学文学院

出  处: 《东疆学刊》 2003年第4期56-67,共12页

摘  要: 鲁迅的文学观,确立于对民族、民众与知识者自我的生存境遇"三位一体"的体验之中,他确立了改变这三者生存困境的精神动力,这就是他的"梦",即焕发人本有的"天性"以"立人":一方面,鲁迅的"梦"与民族、民众的生存境遇又存在着巨大反差,他愈是要缩短自我与群体(民族、民众)之间的距离,就愈加感到这种距离的不可逾越,《彷徨》较之《呐喊》对民众生存困境的审视,消解"梦"与"境遇"的对立,在对"境遇"的表现中深化并强化了他在自我生存困境中孤独个体存在的体验;但另一方面,《彷徨》并非真正放弃了对与"境遇"对立性萌生的"梦"即对人的"天性"的追寻,这"天性"中不仅有"诚"与"爱",更有"憎"与"复仇",后者较之前者,同样为鲁迅的现实生存困境所逼发,更切近他思想性格的个性特征,显现了他的"梦"与"境遇"在对立中更深层次的联系。 Lu Xun's literary view originated from his personal experience in the living environment in which the Chinese nation, the people and the intellectual lived. He was motivated by his desire for changing their existing living conditions, which was his 'dream'. He wanted to wake the public to their 'natural instinct' and 'make the well-being of mankind as the starting point'. On one hand, there was a striking contrast when Lu Xu's 'dream' was compared with the then Chinese people's living environment. The more he wanted to shorten the gap between the public and himself, the more he felt the distance was impassable. Compared with 'Call to Arms', 'Wandering' strengthened his personal experience as a lonely individual in the intolerable living conditions in regard to examining closely the people's hard life, resolving the contradiction between 'dream' and 'situation', and expressing 'situation'. But, on the other hand, in 'Wandering' he did not really abandon his pursuit of 'dream' opposite to 'situation'--'natural instinct' which embodied not only 'sincerity' and 'love', but also 'hatred' and 'revenge'. And 'hatred' and 'revenge', having arisen from Lu Xun's economic predicament, were close to his individual character and marked their further link between the opposite 'dream' and 'situation'.

关 键 词: 境遇 呐喊 彷徨 鲁迅 文学作品 文学观 民族 民众 自我

领  域: [文学]


作者 余新明
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机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 汕头大学


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