机构地区: 浙江大学心理与行为科学系
出 处: 《心理学报》 2004年第1期37-43,共7页
摘 要: 以往社会决策图式理论没有考虑决策群体中成员的地位、成员的价值取向和专长知识分布等决策者影响力因素对群体决策整合过程的影响。本文在考虑上述诸因素影响的前提下构建了决策者影响力函数 ,通过投资决策模拟实验 ,综合使用决策影响力函数和个体偏好分布来预测群体决策的结果。研究表明综合运用决策者影响力函数和修改后的社会决策图式理论比传统的理论能更准确和有效的预测群体决策结果。 The Social Decision Scheme theory did not take some important factors into account when predicting group decisions. These factors included individual social status, member orientation of individualism and collectivism, distribution of expertise, and so on. In this study, we extended SDS by constructing a Personal Influence Function (PIF) which took the above factors as key elements. In a simulated experiment of investment decision-making, the validity of the extension was tested. The results showed, when PIF combined with group preference distribution, the extended SDS could predict group decisions more effectively and accurately.