机构地区: 同济大学经济与管理学院
出 处: 《管理评论》 2014年第9期180-190,共11页
摘 要: 随着在线评论影响力的增长,关于发表在线评论的前因研究也逐渐增多。但是,作为在线评论发表的重要载体,在线声誉系统对消费者发表评论的影响却很少被关注。为此,本文基于消费者购物体验满意度和在线声誉系统2个维度进行研究,引入技术接受模型,分析在线声誉系统对消费者发表在线评论的影响因素,并且针对正面评论和负面评论分别建立两个理论模型,采用结构方程模型,对研究模型进行实证检验。结果表明,影响消费者发表正面评论的首要因素是消费者对在线声誉系统的感知有用性,其次是消费者对购物体验的满意度。而影响消费者发表负面评论的首要因素是消费者对购物体验的不满意度,其次是消费者对在线声誉系统的感知有用性。 With the influence of online reviews growing more and more powerful,the factors that influence an individual's intention to provide an online review have been studied intensively. However,to date,very little attention has been paid to online reputation system,which has been regarded as the most important platform of providing online reviews. Therefore,two dimensions of factors probably affecting intention to post positive and negative reviews are considered,i. e. customer satisfaction and online reputation systems. And The Technology Acceptance Model is used in this study to analyze the impact of online reputation systems on posting online reviews. Then,according to the reviews' sentiment polarity,we establish two models,one for analyzing the posting of positive reviews and the other for analyzing posting negative reviews. And we use structural equation modeling to analyze and test hypothesis. Results show that the factor which influences the intention of posting positive reviews most is the perceived usefulness of online reputation,followed by the degree of satisfaction. However,the factor which influences the intention of posting negative reviews is the degree of non-satisfaction,next is the perceived usefulness of online reputation.
关 键 词: 在线评论 在线声誉系统 技术接受模型 消费者满意度 感知有用性 感知易用性
领 域: [经济管理]