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Probe into the Brain Energy and Creativity

作  者: ;

机构地区: 北京大学

出  处: 《系统辩证学学报》 2004年第1期6-12,共7页

摘  要: 21世纪的竞争 ,经济、政治、军事、科学、技术的竞争 ,归根到底是人才的竞争 ,而人才问题的核心是具有创造力的人脑。当前想要从生理解剖上 ,彻底解决人脑的结构与认知的关系(实证的 )是不可能的 ,但是可以从感知与理性上 ,分析人脑的“信息加工”过程来探索脑能的水平。人脑信息处理的功能 ,根据现在脑科学提供的依据 ,可以归纳为左右脑皮层的分工与合作 ,左脑皮层偏重抽象思维 ,右脑皮层偏重形象思维 ,当集中某一问题思考时 ,大脑两半球的神经元组成临时网络 ,以不同的脑波组合 (β ,α ,θ ,δ) ,从以 β波为主的左脑兴奋、到以α波为主的右脑沉思、以θ波为主的恍然大悟 (灵感 )、再到以 β波为主的检验验证的过程 ;或者从以 β波为主的左脑兴奋、到以α波为主的右脑沉思、以δ波为主的睡眠做梦、到以θ波为主的恍然大悟、再到以 β波为主的检验验证的过程。当人们认识了这个科学用脑的过程后 ,就可以积极训练培养 ,提高自身脑能 ,提倡科学用脑 ,从而达到具有发现与创造的能力。所以需要探讨这个科学用脑的过程 ,并提出培养科学用脑的方法。 The competition in the 21 st century,i.e.,the competition in the economy,politics,military,science and technology,in the final analysis is the competition of talented persons.The core of talented person is the creative cerebrum.At present time,it is impossible to understand the relations between cerebral structure and cognition thoroughly only by the way of physiological anatomy.But according to Logos,we could discuss about the functions of cerebral information processing and sum it up as the dividing labour and joining of cerebral cortex of both left and right hemisphere.The left hemisphere cerebral cortex lays particular stresses on abstract thinking,and the right one lays particular stresses on visual thinking when concentrating on issue with thinking,the nerve cells makeup temporary network of cerebral cortex of both left and right hemisphere,as well as different brain wave combinations(β,α,θ,δ),for example from the left cerebral cortex exciting with β wave as dominant to the right one meditating with α wave,and to the tumble inspiration with θ wave,then back to checking up and validating with β wave again,or from the left cerebral cortex exciting with β wave to the right one meditating with α wave,to the sleep dreaming with δ wave,and to the tumble inspiration with θ wave,then back to checking up and validating with β wave again.After understanding the process,we could training our brain,advance ourselve's brain energy and advocate using brain in reason,so as to obtain the ability to discover and creat.How to use our brain in reason was studied and the methods training our brain were put forward.

关 键 词: 东方文化 创造力 形象思维 抽象思维 脑波组合 大脑 脑能 创造性思维

领  域: [哲学宗教] [哲学宗教]


作者 范晓妮
作者 刘志光
作者 胡俊娴
作者 廖国华
作者 康兆春


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学教育信息技术学院


作者 张玉普
作者 张蕾蕾
作者 张馨文
作者 徐敏
作者 施群丽