机构地区: 西北农林科技大学农学院陕西省作物杂种优势研究与利用重点实验室
出 处: 《麦类作物学报》 2004年第1期75-80,共6页
摘 要: 染色体工程技术主要包括染色体的添加、削减和代换。随着科学技术的不断发展,现代生物技术亦融入到染色体工程技术,赋予染色体工程以新的内容,不仅包括在染色体组、染色体和染色体片段水平上所进行的染色体遗传操作,而且涵盖了染色体原位杂交、染色体微切割和人工染色体等新技术。本文阐述了染色体工程技术在小麦雄性不育研究和杂种优势利用中的应用,其主要有:(1)育性基因的定位,如育性基因的单体、缺体、端体和缺四体分析等;(2)外源育性基因的染色体鉴定;(3)核型雄性不育的染色体保持技术;(4)育性载体染色体的定向替换等。本文还对染色体工程技术研究应用进展进行了分析与展望。 The chromosome engineering is the bitechnology that some chromosome operations, such as (separation), introduction and recombination, are conducted on chromosome basic materials according to devices (previously), and so as to change the receptor genetic constitutions, and to change the genetic characteristics of species. It includes chromosome addition, deduction and substitution. However, with the development of (science) and technology, it includes the chromosome in situ hybridization, chromosome micro-dissection and (artificial) chromosome too. The chromosome engineering techniques of the male sterility research and heterosis (utilization) in wheat are main focused on: (1) the localization of the fertility genes by the monosomic, (nullisomic), telosomic, nulli-tetrasomic analysis; (2) determination of the alien fertility chromosome; (3) the maintenance of genic sterile lines by the chromosome technique; (4) directional substitution of fertility (chromosome) and so on.
关 键 词: 染色体工程技术 小麦 雄性不育 杂种优势利用 基因定位
领 域: [农业科学]