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Comparative studies on biomass-carbon accounting models at forest stand scale

作  者: ; ; ; (李佩瑗);

机构地区: 华南农业大学林学院

出  处: 《中南林业科技大学学报》 2015年第1期84-88,共5页

摘  要: 选取3个天然林群落作为研究对象,利用3种包含不同计量参数的生物量碳计量模型,即生物量因子法、异速生长方程法及材积源生物量法,分别计算林分碳储量并比较分析各模型计量结果的差异。结果表明:生物量因子法与材积源生物量法计算所得林分平均碳密度相近,分别为155.56和152.82 Mg·hm-2,异速生长方程法的结果偏低,为118.44 Mg·hm-2,生物量因子法计算的不同群落的林分碳储量比异速生长方程法的高22.11%~43.02%;各群落的立木结构及物种组成存在显著差异,均方根误差分析显示生物量因子法对群落碳密度的差异反应最为敏感,计量精度最高;各方法计量结果均显示中、大径级立木是林分碳储量的主要贡献者,中径级立木与大径级立木中计量精度较高的模型分别是异速生长方程法与生物量因子法。综合考虑计量精度及参数获取的便利性,3种计量模型各有优势,在实际应用中可以根据具体情况选择较为适合的模型,一般情况下可使用材积源生物量法,能便利地获得与采用包含木材密度参数的生物量因子法最接近的计量结果。 To calculate the differences among carbon accounting models, the stand carbon storages in three natural evergreen forest communities were measured and compared by three biomass-carbon accounting models with different parameters, including biomass factor method(BFM) containing wood density, allometric equation method(AEM) and biomass-volume method(BVM). The results show that the average community carbon density calculated by BFM(155.56 Mg·hm-2) and BVM(152.82 Mg·hm-2) were close each other, while the value of AGM(118.44 Mg·hm-2) was relatively lower, Carbon storage determined by BFM was 22.11% ~ 43.02% higher than AGM in each community; Stand structure and species composition of the communities were significantly different, and the analysis of root mean square error(RMSE) showed that BFM was sensitive to the variability in carbon density, indicating higher measurement accuracy; Standing carbon storages by diameter class obtained by the three models changed consistently, in a way that individuals in middle and large diameter class were the major contributors to community carbon stocks, in the middle diameter class, AGM showed higher accuracy, while the accuracy of BFM was higher for large diameter class; Considering the convenience of access to the parameters and measurement accuracy, three models all had advantages and disadvantages, a reasonable model should be chosen according to the specific condition in practice; In most cases, especially when a forest carbon accounting project requires high efficiency and less effort, BVM is recommended because it is a convenient way to achieve the results that is most close to BFM, which requires the effort to collect wood density data and other local parameters.

关 键 词: 林分生物量 碳计量模型 木材密度 生物量因子法 异速生长方程 材积源生物量法

领  域: [农业科学]




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