机构地区: 中国石油天然气集团公司
出 处: 《化工中间体》 2014年第9期1-3,10,共4页
摘 要: 本文介绍了世界主要轮胎生产国的轮胎标签法规,重点介绍了欧盟轮胎标签法规内容及法规实施对丁苯橡胶市场的影响。并结合世界轮胎标签法规,介绍了我国溶聚丁苯橡胶的发展概况及发展建议。 This article introduces the world's leading tire tire labeling regulations producing countries,focusing on the EU tire labeling legislation and regulations to implement the contents of the impact on the SBR market.Combined with the world's tire labeling regulations,introduced the development of SSBR situation and development proposals.