机构地区: 上海理工大学能源与动力工程学院
出 处: 《风机技术》 2003年第6期38-42,共5页
摘 要: 针对笔者曾研制的一套串行发送系统速度偏低的不足 ,对该系统功能进行了扩展。通过对旋转风机叶片表面压力信号测量的应用 ,介绍了风机试验台的信号光电转换系统的结构及原理 ,通过在动静系统分别加入微处理器 ,分析并选用了扩展串行通讯方式和电路设计 ,实现了对采样数据进行高速分时发送 ,并将校验系统运用到该装置中 ,解决了动静系统的信号可靠高速传输的问题。 Because of the low transmit speed of the serial transferring system,the extended serial transfer system in the rotating centrifugal fan is introduced. The theory and structure of the opt_electronic pressure measuring and transferring system are also introduced, and this system has been used in the measuring and the static pressure of the rotating centrifugal fan successfully. In this mechanism, two micro_processes, which can store and sign the signal time by time in high speed, has been set in the rotating system and static system respectively. In this system, check system will be realized in the program and it can ensure the signal to transfer correctly.
领 域: [机械工程]