机构地区: 南京师范大学生命科学学院
出 处: 《矿物学报》 2003年第4期303-307,共5页
摘 要: 从土壤中筛选分离到一株硅酸盐细菌GY03菌株,对其絮凝特性进行了研究。结果表明,GY03菌株营养要求简单,在生长的同时合成胞外高聚物,具有良好的絮凝性能。GY03菌株所产絮凝物质有88%以上分布在细胞表面,该絮凝剂的絮凝活性随菌体生长量的增加而同步增高,不同金属离子对GY03菌株絮凝活性有影响。实验条件下,1h内GY03菌株所产生的微生物絮凝剂对高岭土悬浮液絮凝率为78%,经放置24h后最高絮凝率可达98%,对制药废水浊度去除率为78 1%~94.7%,COD去除率为48 0%~87 5%,生活污水浊度去除率为85 3%~92 5%,对墨汁溶液的脱色率为53 2%以上,因而认为该菌株是一种很有应用前景的絮凝剂产生菌。 Microbial flocculants are a kind of metabolite produced by microorganisms, which have better flocculability properties than inorganic and organic symbiotic macromolecule flocculants. In this paper, the flocculability of a strain of silicate bacterial GY03 is studied. The main results are presented as follows: Different canions have different effects on the flocculating activity of silicate bacterial GY03.The strain can form microbial flocculant after 5 days' culture in silicate bacterial medium, which can promote flocculation ability and reduce suspending solid pellets used in wastewater treatment. As a result, the turbid removal rate could reach 98% for kaolin clay suspension liquid, 78.1%-94.7% and COD removal rate 48.0%-87.5% for pharmaceutical wastewater, turbid removal rate 85.3%-92.5% for living wastewater, color removal rate of above 53.2% for black ink solution.