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Study on the "pig-biogas-tea" farming system in Fenghuang town, Chao'An County, Guangdong Province

作  者: ; ; ; (黎南华);

机构地区: 华南农业大学农学院热带亚热带生态研究所

出  处: 《生态科学》 2003年第4期321-326,共6页

摘  要: 对潮安县“猪-沼-茶”生态农业模式的结构及其功能效益进行了案例调查与研究分析。“猪-沼-茶”生态农业模式是以种茶为中心,以沼气和沼渣为纽带,综合发展种植业和养殖业的一种生态模式。这种模式可提高茶叶品质,节约生产成本;改善茶园生态环境和提高土壤肥力,具有较好的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益。这种模式适合于我国南方丘陵山区推广应用。 A case study for the structure and effects of 'pig-biogas-tea' eco-agriculture was carded out in Fenghuang town,Chao'an County, Guangdong Province. In such eco-agricuiture, animal husbandry, biogas production and tea farming were combined and developed into a cycling ecosystem. The investigation and analysis results showed that this farming system could decrease the inputs and costs, and increase the quality of tea. Meanwhile, the application of wastes of biogas production could also reduce and replace the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticide, by doing so, it could improve soil fertility and environment quality. It was indicated that this kind of eco-agriculture model had good ecological, economical and social benefits, so it would be extended in the hilly areas of south China.

关 键 词: 生态农业模式 结构 效益

领  域: [农业科学]


作者 吕毅


机构 华南农业大学


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