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Socio-economic Adaptation and Cohort Quality of Young Mainland-born Residents in Hong Kong after the Handover

作  者: ; (叶仲茵);

机构地区: 香港中文大学

出  处: 《港澳研究》 2016年第1期72-82,95-96,共13页

摘  要: 本文透过分析人口普查数据以探讨内地移民质素的转变对他们移居香港后的经济融合之影响,并厘清青年"新香港人"对香港经济是否有贡献的争论。结果显示,2001年,居港年期对工作收入有着很清楚的影响:长期居港移民青年(居港至少达15年)的收入处境最佳,新永久居民青年(居港7~15年)次之,新来港青年则最差。随着移民政策自2003年起的转变,狭义经济融合与居港年期的关系变得复杂。在工作收入上,2011年时,女性"新香港人"已达致狭义的经济融合,男性新永久居民青年则成为输家。由此发现,2011年时已出现了一些"颠覆"性的现象,其原因在于因吸引高学历和高技术内地移民计划的推出而造成为数不少的高质素内地移民投入本地的劳动市场。 Hong Kong-China's Mainland relations have become more tense in recent years.A controversy is over the benefits and costs of recently arrived Mainland immigrants to the local society.On the one hand,they are labeled as 'parasites' competing for local social and welfare resources.It is argued that low skilled immigrants from family re-union scheme have caused the rising income inequality.On the other hand,owing to their younger age,they are packaged as a valuable source of workforce especially when Hong Kong population starts to age.It is maintained that young Mainlanders from talent- or skill-based immigration schemes introduced since 2003 have made substantial contribution to the local economy.Using sample data from2001 and 2011 Population Censuses,we attempt to compare the labour force participation rate and earnings between Mainland immigrants and Hong Kong natives focusing on those aged 20-34.Among immigrants,distinction is made in terms of the duration of them residing in Hong Kong.Hence,differences between sub-groups of young Mainland immigrants in terms of socio-economic attainment over time and the existence of changing cohort quality among these groups could be disentangled.Our results show that,first,highly-educated and skilled Mainlanders from skill-oriented immigration schemes implemented since 2003 greatly enhanced the quality of recent Mainland immigrants and resulted in a higher level of earnings attainment among degree holders.Economic assimilation was thus achieved.Second,those new Mainland immigrants via family re-union scheme could hardly achieve economic assimilation.Immigrant youth who lived in Hong Kong for at least 15 years and received local education could not reach income parity with their native counterparts.Since a large group of Mainlanders migrated to Hong Kong for family re-union,their low level of education gave rise to the polarization of earnings among newly arrived immigrants in nowadays Hong Kong.

关 键 词: 青年 内地移民 融合 收入不平等

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 赵永佳
作者 岳珍珠
作者 金冶
作者 李多
作者 辉明


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 电子科技大学中山学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东青年职业学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟