机构地区: 西安音乐学院
出 处: 《西安电子科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第4期26-29,共4页
摘 要: 就业是一个国家或地区社会发展水平的综合反映。我国人口众多,劳动力供大于求的格局并未因改革开放以来经济高速、持续增长和经济体制市场化改革的深化而发生根本变化。劳动剩余的经济特征将在很长时期内在我国城乡间存在下去,经验表明孤立地解决城市和农村两个封闭板块的就业,效果往往不尽人意。因此,构建城乡就业一体化的互动模式便显得尤为重要。 Employment is a comprehensive mirror to the social development of a country or an area. In China, the structure of labor force—supply exceeding demand, has not been much changed since reform and opening to the outside world. And the tendency of surplus labor force will continue for very long time. Experiences have shown that it is impossible to settle the problem solely either in cities or in the countryside. Hence it is essential to establish an integrating employment model between urban and rural areas.