作 者: ;
机构地区: 香港中文大学
出 处: 《学术月刊》 2003年第10期60-66,共7页
摘 要: 北宋太学生救国运动可以说是中国后世学生运动的始作俑者。历来学者曾有评述,但欠缺深入研究。本文从太学制度、太学于官学中角色的变迁、太学师资与太学救国运动的关系入手,探讨北宋太学救国运动的深层原因。 The national salvation movement of Tai-Xue students in Northern Song Dynasty can be considered as the pioneering one for the students' movement in the later ages. Scholars have been reviewing it, but further studies have been absent. This article starts from the system of Tai-Xue, the changing roles of Tai-Xue in Guan-Xue (official institutions of education) , and the relationship between tutors of Tai-Xue and the salvation movement, and probes deep-root causes of the salvation movement of Tai-Xue in Northern Song Dynasty.