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A probe into the measures for accelerating industrialisation of food bio-technology in Foshan

作  者: ; (梁满杰);

机构地区: 佛山科学技术学院生命科学学院食品科学系

出  处: 《佛山科学技术学院学报(自然科学版)》 2003年第4期72-76,共5页

摘  要: 在食品生物技术产业化过程中,佛山的食品工业存在着许多问题,包括传统生物技术产业实力雄厚,现代生物技术应用不足;分布行业广泛,相互缺乏协调和联系;大多规模较小;科技实力不足且未充分发挥作用等。针对这些问题,本文提出了建立食品行业科技机构,加快人才队伍的壮大,建立食品行业协会等一系列加速佛山食品生物技术产业化的措施。 There are several problems in the process of industrialisation of food bio-technology in Foshan, including strong traditional bio-technology advantages and weak modern ones; wide distribution of different business lines and lack of connection; lack of science and technology forces and not bringing them into full play, etc. Several measures were brought up to resolve these problems in this paper, such as setting up a science and technology organization and food industry association, and strenthening the technology forces, etc.

关 键 词: 食品生物技术 产业化

领  域: [经济管理]




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作者 张丽娟