机构地区: 四川大学生命科学学院草原生物防治工程国家专业实验室
出 处: 《四川草原》 2004年第1期13-16,共4页
摘 要: 草地大面积退化、沙化导致草原生产力下降,环境恶化,生物多样性减少,直接威胁牧区经济的长远发展。如何恢复退化、沙化草地植被和协调利用、保护和管理草地资源之间的关系已经成为亟待解决的问题。根据若尔盖退化、沙化草地的现状和成因,利用科学的手段对其进行重建,从中探寻具有针对性的有效治理方法,并对先进技术和经验进行推广示范。 Zoige grassland was confronted with degradation and desertification, which had resulted in the descending of productivity, the deteriorating of environment and the decreasing of biodiversity. They have directly threatened the local long-term developments of economy. We must find out solutions to how to furbish the intrinsic grassland environment and harmonize the relationship between utilizing, protecting and managing the resource. With the advanced techniques, we will figure out the effective measures, aiming at the actualities and causes of Zoige grassland degradation and desertification, and popularize them.