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The Four Models of Community Governance in Urban China

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 清华大学人文社会科学学院社会学系

出  处: 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第6期5-13,共9页

摘  要: 以社区调研为基础,从社会学关于政府、市场与社会三大机制的理论视角出发,对于多种类型社区治理模式进行分析、归纳和总结,提出了城市社区治理创新的四种模式:政府主导模式、市场主导模式、社会自治模式和专家参与模式。政府主导模式是主流模式,其制度优势明显,但不足在于社会被动、居民参与不足、社区缺少活力;市场主导模式的资源配置能力强,发展潜力较大,但也存在着市场失灵等问题;社会自治模式最符合居民自治原理,但缺少资源支持、最难操作、遇到的困难最多;专家参与模式由于有专家的外力支持,在制度设计、顶层设计等方面有优势,但是,容易产生外部依赖性,需要探索专家撤出后也能自我运营的模式。因此,统筹多种社会资源、激发多元社会活力、创新居民参与机制是社区治理创新的关键环节,政府可以通过发挥多元力量的作用,完善相应制度设计和政策约束,进一步形成多元共治、共建共享的社区治理新格局。 According to the sociological theory of government,market and society,this paper analyzes the four models of Chinese urban community governance and their advantages and disadvantages by investigating the community governance innovation in the mega-cities in China.The results show that the government-led model has institutional advantages but cannot create self-governed community by more governmental intervenes with less public participation and community vitality.The market-led model has capacity for better resource allocation and better community development,but it cannot overcome market failure problems.The social self-governance model has been subjected to multiple difficulties because of lack of resources and restricts,although it is expected to be realized by the current institutional design.The scholar-led model is helpful for community to find an effective way to make the right decision,but it is unsustainable because it cannot solve problems when scholars leave from such a community.Finally,this paper makes a conclusion that government is supposed to encourage civic participation and innovation in local community level,by using more social resources and plural strengths to create more effective mechanism of supervision,accountability,response and participation,and to make an autonomy and vibrant grassroots society through further reforms.

关 键 词: 社区治理创新模式 政府主导 市场主导 社会自治 专家参与

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 蔡亮
作者 马全中
作者 殷昭举
作者 张智凡
作者 张圣友


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学
机构 揭阳市委党校


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚