机构地区: 山东师范大学物理与电子科学学院半导体研究所
出 处: 《微纳电子技术》 2004年第1期26-29,共4页
摘 要: 电化学腐蚀是蓝光发射的前提,但不同的电化学腐蚀条件对发光强度和峰位影响极大,随着电化学腐蚀条件的加强,蓝光峰将被红光峰代替。激发光波长亦可影响蓝光发射,如260nm的激发光将引起在360nm光激发下所获得的431nm蓝光峰的蓝移。 It is found that anodization is the premise of blue luminescence,at the different conditions of which,there will be magnificent transition of the spectra to their height and location as shown that the blue luminescence is superseded by a red emission at increasing anodization. The blue luminescence can also be influenced by change of excitation wavelength,for example,at the excitation of 260 nm the 431 nm emission at the excitation can be blued-shifted to 420 nm.