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美洲斑潜蝇Liriomyza sativae生物学特性研究
Studies on Biology of Vegetable Leafminer Liriomyza sativae Blanchard (Diptera: Agromyzidae)

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 贵州大学农学院昆虫研究所

出  处: 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》 2003年第6期91-93,共3页

摘  要: 室内和田间研究结果表明:美洲斑潜蝇Liriomyzasativae成虫羽化大多在10:00~14:00羽化。其羽化率为70%~95%,性比为1∶1,成虫寿命在平均气温30 7℃时,1~4d;平均气温18 9℃时,最长达24d。雌成虫用产卵器刺破叶表皮取食,每雌24h内平均可造成11个取食点,雄成虫在雌成虫造成的取食点上取食。成虫具有趋光性、趋绿性、趋上性和趋黄性,一张18 4cm×14 8cm的诱虫黄卡20d可诱杀成虫2280头。卵历期在平均气温28 6℃时,为3~4d,19 5℃时为10d,15 4℃时为14d。幼虫历期在平均气温23 6℃时为4d,19 5℃时为6d,19 1℃时为8d,幼虫在豇豆上的潜道平均长76cm,潜食速度随着龄期增大而加快。前蛹期一般为2 1~3 5h,前蛹具负趋光性。蛹历期在平均气温28 02℃条件下为8~9d,蛹期与温度呈负相关。 Studies on biology of each development stage of vegetable leafminer (Liriomyza sativae) were conducted both in the laboratory and the field. It showed that adult emerge in daytime from 10:00 to 14:00, the sex ratio is 1∶1. Longevity of adult ranged from 1 d to 4 d in condition of average temperature of 30.7 ℃, the longest is 24 d at average temperature 18.9 ℃.Female adult punctured on leaf surface with its ovipositor and fed on the punctured holes. Each female could punctured 11 holes in 24 hours. Male adult also fed on these holes. All adults have the habits of phototaxis, greentaxis, yellowtaxis and liked to moving up. A yellow card in area of 18.4 cm×14.8 cm trapped 2 180 adults in 20 d.For immature stage, development time of egg was 3 d or 4 d at average temperature of 28.6 ℃,10 d at 19.5 ℃,14 d at 15.4 ℃. Longevity of larva was 4 d at average temperature of 23.6 ℃,6 d at 19.5 ℃,8 d at 19.1 ℃.The mine fed by larva was about 76 cm in leaf of Vigna sinensis.The feeding speed increased with the increasing of instars. The development time of pre-pupa was 2.1 h to3.5 h. Pre-pupa showed a characteristic of inverse lighttaxis. Longevity of pupa was 8 d to 9 d at average temperature of 28.02 ℃ and its development time was negative relationship with temperature.

关 键 词: 美洲斑潜蝇 虫态 历期 生物学特性 害虫

领  域: [生物学] [农业科学] [农业科学]




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