机构地区: 武汉钢铁集团公司
出 处: 《武钢技术》 2015年第6期43-46,共4页
摘 要: 一烧通过开展六西格玛FEMA分析,找出影响烧结机故障停机率的关键因子,并采取皮带周期更换,烧结机台车在线打油,皮带托轮周期性维护及降低振动筛故障停机4项应对措施,一烧烧结机故障停机率从2013年的78.46%下降到72.4%,全年烧结矿产量提高7.9万t,创直接经济效益531.43万元。 The key factors of sintering machine downtime were found by using the six sigma FEMA analysis,and the periodic replacement of belt and rollers,online lubrication of sintering pallet were adopted,the downtime rates of sintering machine were down from 78.46%to 72.4%in 2014,the sinter production was increased by 79 000 tons,5.3143 million Yuan economic returns.
领 域: [冶金工程]