作 者: ;
机构地区: 嘉应学院中文系
出 处: 《荆门职业技术学院学报》 2003年第5期19-20,共2页
摘 要: 1993年10月出土于湖北荆门郭店一号战国楚墓的竹简《老子》,为我们提供了迄今为止最古老的《老子》文本。它是校勘其他传本的重要资料,如帛书本及今传本"绝仁弃义",简本作"绝伪弃虑",说明简本《老子》并不反对仁义,这些差异使我们必须重新认识老子思想与儒道思想的关系。因此对简本《老子》进行整理研究意义重大。 The unearthed bamboo slip of Lao Tzu from a Chu tomb provides us the oldest edition of the text, which functions as an important standard revising other information. In this edition, we can find that Lao Tzu is not against any form of benevolence and justice, enlightening us the relationship between his ideas and Confucius thoughts, so the research is of great significance when sorting out and study the edition.